In this blog I would like to discuss SWOT analysis and Porter’s five
forces. These are two significant methods that valuable to analyse and develop
business strategy.
With regards to SWOT, it is a guidance, which gives opportunity to identify
positive and negative positions INside your organisation and OUTside of it. Evaluation of the Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats can be carried out not only for organisations but
for a product, place, industry or person too. Also it could be effective at any stage of effort.
SWOT analysis may be used to the following things: the first one is
investigation of possible solutions to problems, secondly to do any
decision-making when objective has been defined.
This video involves a simple explanation of SWOT that gives a chance to better understand the idea.

1. Customer
2. Brand awareness
and reputation
3. Successful
marketing and advertising campaign
1. Declining
market share
2. High price
3. Changes in
1. High demand
of IPhone 5 and IPad mini
2. Growth of
tablet and smartphone market
1. Rapid
technological changes
2. Price
pressure from Samsung
3. Tax
According to Porter, the
competitiveness of an industry is based on 5 factors. It does not enough to
look only at direct competitors. There is an importance to consider four other
factors, such as Threat of substitute products or services, Bargaining power of
suppliers, Bargaining power of customers and Threat of new entrants. The level
of certain industry identifies through the consideration all of these points.
Example: Airline Industry.
1. Threat of New
This aspect has a low threat. There are low switching costs between brands; consumers tend to choose well-known companies.
This aspect has a low threat. There are low switching costs between brands; consumers tend to choose well-known companies.
2. Power of
Currently, there are two manufactures Boeing and Airbus. Moreover, most
firms have long-term contracts with their providers. So it has a high threat.
3. Power of
Firms usually occupy the certain niche of market, e.g. British Airways
(it is a high price, service and refreshments during flights), but EasyJet (low
price, no business class). So, each company has loyal customers. However, often purchase affected by time of traveling and name of airline does not make sense. There
is a medium level of threat.
4. Threat of
This industry has a medium level because of existing
alternatives such as car, train, and bus. However, planes stay the fastest way
to achieve a destination.
5. Rivalry among Existing Players
The rivalry of existing firms is high because customers have a great amount of choice. The
number of competitors stays the same during a long time.
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